young house idiots

We're renovating a house. And we're idiots.

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I Bought a Brick…House. It’s Mighty Mighty.

New House!

With keys in hand I’m ready for this new adventure as a home owner. My closing date was December 20, 2013. From the time we put in the offer to the day of closing, the process was very fast-paced and would have made me a bit anxious had it not been for the expertise of my real estate agent (and boyfriend), Trent Corbin.

The house was listed as an REO. For those of you who are like me, you probably have no clue what that means. I’ll quickly explain. REO (Real Estate Owned) means the house is owned by a lender and in our case, that lender was Fannie Mae, which is one of two lenders (the other is Freddie Mac) who takes possession following a delinquency on an FHA (Federal Housing Authority) loan. Luckily my super smart and studly realtor, Trent, had been monitoring HomePath for a steal and found our new humble abode near Charlotte Country Club. Because of the speedy diligence process, we only had about a week to get everything inspected, repairs estimated, etc. Everything happened quickly, and thankfully everything worked out.